Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merge 2 sorted arrays, where one array has gaps between elements.

Given two sorted arrays of sizes N,M (N > M). 
N has M gaps even though it is sorted. (gaps can be in between . Not required to be at the end).
Best algorithm to merge these two arrays , with out using any extra space.

Suppose we have 2 arrays:

char [] A = {'a',' ','c','e',' ', ' ', 'g',' ','j', ' '};
char [] B  = { 'b','d','f','h','i'};

Let's space char be the gap mentioned in the above question.
Now first iterate through the Array A and shift all the non-space chars to the left.

Then merge 2 arrays A and B by comparing the elements and filling Array A from the end.


Length A:10
Length B:5
Starting array A printing: 
a b c d e f g h i j 

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