This problem is also known as Integer Knapsack Problem (Duplicate Items Forbidden).
During a robbery, a burglar finds much more loot than he had expected and has to decide what to take. His bag (or knapsack) will hold a total weight of at most W pounds. There are n items to pick from, of weight w1.....wn and dollar value What's the most valuable combination of items he can fit into his bag?
For instance, take Capacity = 10 and
Item Weight Value
1 6 $30
2 3 $14
3 4 $16
4 2 $9
Here repitition is not allowed.
K(w,j) be the max value achievable using knapsack of size w and items 1....j
The answer we seek is K(w,n)
Lets try to express K(w,j) in terms of smaller subproblems
Now here, either j is needed to solve the subproblem or its not needed.
So we have,
K(w,j) = Max { K(w - w[j], j-1) + v[j], K(w, j-1)}
Now algorithm involves, filling out a 2-D table with W+1 rows and n+1 columns.
Time complexity: O(nW).
Code Input:
int [] W = {6, 3, 4, 2};
int [] V = {30, 14, 16, 9};
int C = 10;
Optimal value for integer knapsack: 46
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