Thursday, January 5, 2012

All pair shortest paths - Repeated Squaring.

Given a matrix which represents 1/0 representing a direct flight between two places in a 2D array, find the number of hops required to reach from one place to another place. In other words, find if it is bi-hop, tri-hop etc.


A dynamic-programming algorithm.
Assume input graph is given by an adjacency matrix.
W = (wij)
Let dij(m)  = minimum weight of any path from vertex i to vertex j,
                  containing at most m edges.
dij(0) =   0   if i = j
         =     (infinite)  if i != j
dij(m) = min(dij(m-1), min{dik(m-1) + wkj})
        = min1 <= k <= n{dik(m-1) + wkj}, since wjj = 0.
So, given W, we can simply compute a series of matrices D(1), D(2), …,
D(n-1) where:
D(1) = W
D(m) = (dij(m))

SP algorithm computes the
following matrix “products”:
D(1) = D(0)*W = W1
D(2) = D(1)*W = W2
D(3) = D(2)*W = W3
D(n-1) = D(n-2)*W = Wn-1

n := rows[W];
D(1) := W;
m := 1;
while n – 1 > m do
D(2m) := Extend-SP(D(m), D(m));
       m := 2m
return D(m) 

Extend-SP(D, W)
n := rows[D];
for i := 1 to n do
for j :=1 to n do
d´ij := ;
for k := 1 to n do
d´ij := min(d´ij, dik + wkj)
return D´  


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