Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dynamic Programming: Maximum Value Contiguous Subsequence.

Given a sequence of n real numbers A(1) ... A(n), determine a contiguous subsequence A(i) ... A(j) for which the sum of elements in the subsequence is maximized.

Recurrence Equations:
For any i and j where (1 <= i < j <= n)
M(j) = Max sum over all windows ending at j.

M(j) = Max { M(j-1) + A[j], A[j] } ie either we extend the optimal window ending at j or start a fresh window with A[j].

Total time complexity: O(n) as there are n sub problems, each of size O(1).

Input Arrays:

int [] A = { -2, 11, -4, 13, -5, 2 };
int [] B = {-15, 29, -36, 3, -22, 11, 19, -5};


Max Sum: 20
Indices: i=1: j=3
Max Sum: 30
Indices: i=5: j=6


  1. if (runningSum > 0) or if (runningSum > A[i])

  2. i think this won't work if the array only has negative values.

  3. +1 for Vidudaya.
    Event it fails for smallest test case of negative numbers.
    like if int C[] ={-2};

  4. void maxContiguousSum(int A[], int len)
    unsigned start = 0 , finish = 0;
    int prevSum = A[0];
    int maxSum = A[0];

    for( unsigned j = 1, i = 0; j < len; ++j )
    int curSum = prevSum + A[j];
    if( curSum > A[j] )
    if( curSum > maxSum )//extend window
    finish = j;
    start = i;
    maxSum = curSum;
    prevSum = curSum;
    if( A[j] > maxSum )// start new window
    start = finish = j;
    maxSum = A[j];
    prevSum = A[j];
    i = j;
    cout << "Max Sum: " << maxSum << endl;
    cout << "Indices: i=" << start << ": j=" << finish << endl;

  5. int[] values = { -15, 29, -36, 3, -22, 11, 19, -5 };
    int select,notSelect,total = values.LastOrDefault(),max = int.MinValue;
    int j = values.Count();
    for (int i = values.Count()-1; i >= 0; i--)
    select = total + values[i];
    notSelect = values[i];
    total = Math.Max(select, notSelect);
    if(total > max)
    start = i;
    if(total == notSelect) j = i;
    end = j;
    max = total;
    Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", max,start, end);
