Friday, February 24, 2012

Palindrome Counting and longest palindrome.

Count the number of palindromes and the longest palindrome in a give string.

For each position of String S[i], calculate the number of odd length palindromes.
if S[i] == S[i+1] then calculate the number of even length palindromes.
while calculating odd and even length palindromes, keep track of the longest palindrome.

Time complexity: O(n^2).

Code input/output:

Input String: abacaba
Total palindromes: 5
Longes palindrome: abacaba
Palindromes are: 
aba aca bacab abacaba aba 

Input String: mamracecardudeabuttubathisist
Total palindromes: 11
Longes palindrome: abuttuba
Palindromes are: 
mam cec aceca racecar dud tt uttu buttub abuttuba isi sis 

Input String: mississippi
Total palindromes: 9
Longes palindrome: ississi
Palindromes are: 
ss issi sis ssiss ississi ss issi pp ippi 

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