Friday, March 9, 2012

Bipartite Graph Check.

Check if a given graph is bipartite.

A bipartite graph (or bigraph) is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets U and V such that every edge connects a vertex in U to one in V; that is, U and V are independent sets. Equivalently, a bipartite graph is a graph that does not contain any odd-length cycles.

The two sets U and V may be thought of as a coloring of the graph with two colors: if one colors all nodes in U blue, and all nodes in V green, each edge has endpoints of differing colors, as is required in the graph coloring problem. In contrast, such a coloring is impossible in the case of a non-bipartite graph, such as a triangle: after one node is colored blue and another green, the third vertex of the triangle is connected to vertices of both colors, preventing it from being assigned either color.

1. Starting from a vertex S (0th level), assign S, the color 1 (say 1 means red);
2. do a level order traversal, ie do a Breadth First Search.
3. the nodes which are 1-degree aways from S, ie on 1st level, assign them color 2 (2 stands for green).
4. At any point during BFS, if going from U to V, we are not able to assign V color different from U then its not bipartite.
5. If BFS is done and every level L is of different color than level L-1 then its bipartite.

first line contains the number of nodes
then n (number of nodes) rows follow depicting the list of nodes connected to a node X. - this is adjacency list representation.

A B C D -> number of nodes.
A B D -> node A is connected to B and D.
B A C D -> node B is connected to A, C and D.
C B D -> node C is connected to B and D.
D A C B -> node D is connected to A, C and B.
Is Bipartite: false 

Another example input/output:
B A C 
Is Bipartite: true

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